Use Requirements

To Integrate to BoaCompra's Payout API, Merchants must provide some recurrent requirements:

AuthenticationA valid (api-key, secret-key) pair must be informed in Request Headers.
A valid pair is acquired after a Merchant Onboarding.
HTTP ConnectionHTTP is the default protocol to connect to the API and access all Payout REST endpoints available in the API.
JSON PayloadsJSON is the default API content-type.
Unique Code ReferencesUnique code references for every batch and every Payout. Code references are further used for queries.
Notification URLURL for further notifications about batch status change.
Payee DataFor each Payout (payee Pagbank email, money amount and currency).

Production Domain and Sandbox Domain

Production payouts.
Sandbox endpoint use case scenarios.


Sandbox testing

It is highly recommendable that all tests are done in Sandbox before moving on to the Production Environment.
Testing in production can cause financial loss and live API degradation.