- STATUS: The status of a payout refers to the current state of the payment being processed.
It's important for users to understand that "STATUS" refers to the state of the payout itself.
When a transaction reaches the REVERSED state, it is important to highlight the applicable return timeframe.
Brazil: Reversal can occur within up to 90 days, applicable only to PIX and BANK TRANSFER methods.
Other countries: There is no reversed process for other Latam countries.
The flow is demonstrated in the following flowchart:
- PENDING: The payout has been received and will be processed shortly.
- SUCCESS: The payout was successfully processed.
- FAILED: The payout was rejected due to a failure. The possible reasons are described in the table below.
- REVERSED: The payout was reversed by the transfer provider or the destination financial institution.
The payment status may change during the process and should not be considered final. For example, the "REVERSED" status may occur after "SUCCESS".
All possible statuses for a Payout item are the following:
result[].status.code | result[].status.reason | Payment method | Description | Allows retry attempts |
PENDING | - | ALL | Item was received and will be processed soon. | - |
SUCCESS | - | ALL | Item was received and processed successfully. | - |
FAILED | PROCESSING_ERROR | ALL | An unexpected error has occurred. | YES |
FAILED | INVALID_DESTINATION | ALL | Pix key / account provided is an invalid destination. | NO |
FAILED | INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | ALL | Transfer cannot be processed due to insufficient funds. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_IRREGULAR_REGISTER | ALL | Payee is not compliant with our internal policies. | NO |
FAILED | PAYOUT_DENIED | ALL | Item was received and could not be processed. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH | ALL | The payee's name does not meet our internal policies' minimum similarity threshold. Please use the exact name specified in the document and avoid special characters for conformity. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_LEGAL_CONSTRAINTS | ALL | Payee is not compliant with international standards. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_DECEASED | ALL | The payee document indicates the demise of the individual. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_UNDERAGED | ALL | Minor (individual under 18 y.o.) is prohibited from engaging in transactions within this business sector. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_EXCEEDED_FINANCIAL_LIMIT | ALL | Payee's financial limit has been exceeded. | NO |
FAILED | REJECTED_BY_RECEIVER | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer rejected by receiver bank. | NO |
FAILED | PROCESSING_TIMEOUT | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer aborted due to a processing timeout in the Brazilian SPI (Instant Payments System). | YES |
FAILED | DESTINATION_NOT_MATCH_DOCUMENT | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Payee's document does not match with account owner. | NO |
FAILED | DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED | PAGBANK | Destination account is blocked. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH | ALL | The payee's name does not meet our internal policies' minimum similarity threshold. Please use the exact name specified in the document and avoid special characters for conformity. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NATIONAL_ID_CANCELLED | ALL | Due to some administrative measures, the document may be cancelled. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NATIONAL_ID_INACTIVE | ALL | The payee document is inactive. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_UNDERAGED | ALL | Minor (individual under 18 y.o.) is prohibited from engaging in transactions within this business sector. Error valid only for the betting sector. | NO |
FAILED | SALARY_ACCOUNT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED | ALL | Payee destination cannot be a type salary account. | NO |
REVERSED | OPERATIONAL_ERROR | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | An unexpected error occurred on the PSP. | NO |
REVERSED | REJECTED_BY_PAYEE | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer was rejected by payee. | NO |
REVERSED | REJECTED_BY_PAYEE_BANK | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer was rejected by payee bank. | NO |
REVERSED | REVERSED | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer reversed. | NO |
Bank Transfer Retry Policy in Colombia
For the bank transfer method in Colombia, retries are not possible at any status. If a retry is required, the payout must be reinitiated as a new request.