All possible statuses for a Payout item are the following:
result[].status.code | result[].status.reason | Payment method | Description | Allows retry attempts |
PENDING | ALL | Item was received and will be processed soon. | - | |
SUCCESS | ALL | Item was received and processed successfully. | - | |
FAILED | PROCESSING_ERROR | ALL | An unexpected error has occurred. | YES |
FAILED | INVALID_DESTINATION | ALL | Pix key / account provided is an invalid destination. | NO |
FAILED | INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | ALL | Transfer cannot be processed due to insufficient funds. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_IRREGULAR_REGISTER | ALL | Payee is not compliant with our internal policies. | NO |
FAILED | PAYOUT_DENIED | ALL | Item was received and could not be processed. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH | ALL | The payee's name does not meet our internal policies' minimum similarity threshold. Please use the exact name specified in the document and avoid special characters for conformity. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_LEGAL_CONSTRAINTS | ALL | Payee is not compliant with international standards. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_DECEASED | ALL | The payee document indicates the demise of the individual. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_UNDERAGED | ALL | Minor (individual under 18 y.o.) is prohibited from engaging in transactions within this business sector. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_EXCEEDED_FINANCIAL_LIMIT | ALL | Payee's financial limit has been exceeded. | NO |
FAILED | REJECTED_BY_RECEIVER | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer rejected by receiver bank. | NO |
FAILED | PROCESSING_TIMEOUT | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Transfer aborted due to a processing timeout in the Brazilian SPI (Instant Payments System). | YES |
FAILED | DESTINATION_NOT_MATCH_DOCUMENT | PIX / BANK TRANSFER | Payee's document does not match with account owner. | NO |
FAILED | DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED | PAGBANK | Destination account is blocked. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH | ALL | The payee's name does not meet our internal policies' minimum similarity threshold. Please use the exact name specified in the document and avoid special characters for conformity. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NATIONAL_ID_CANCELLED | ALL | Due to some administrative measures, the document may be cancelled. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_NATIONAL_ID_INACTIVE | ALL | The payee document is inactive. | NO |
FAILED | PAYEE_UNDERAGED | ALL | Minor (individual under 18 y.o.) is prohibited from engaging in transactions within this business sector. Error valid only for the betting sector. | NO |
FAILED | SALARY_ACCOUNT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED | ALL | Payee destination cannot be a type salary account. | N |
Bank Transfer Retry Policy in Colombia
For the bank transfer method in Colombia, retries are not possible at any status. If a retry is required, the payout must be reinitiated as a new request.