Mass Payout

CSV Mass Payout

The Mass Payout can only process a CSV file where the fields are separated by semicolon. The file can have up to ten thousand payments.

  1. The fields required in the file are:
  2. Each line in the file must be a payee payment.
  3. The file must contain the following header (country;currency;paymentMethod;paymentKey;payeeName;payeeDocumentType;payeeDocumentValue)
  4. The delimiter will be the character “;” (semicolon)
  5. For values, the separator must be used. (dot) and for decimal places, (comma) should be used
  6. For PagBank key, the email registered in the Payee account must be used
  7. For the pix key, the following pattern should be used:
FieldsAccepted ValuesDescription
CountryBRPayee payout destination country. Enum values are ISO 3166 Standard.
CurrencyBRLMerchant currency of one Payout. Enum values are ISO 4217 Standard.
AmountBetween 0.01 and 20000.00 BRLMoney value to be transferred for certain Payee.
Payment MethodOne of Pix and PagBankPayment method for processing the payout.
Payment Key*This field tells the payment destination identifier.
Payee NameString (max 64)The payee's full name.
Payee Document TypeOne of CPF and CNPJPayee type document: CPF (individual taxpayer registry) or CNPJ (registry of legal entities).
Payee Document ValueString (CPF: 11 characters | CNPJ: 14 characters)The number of the payee's document.

Payment Method

For PagBank

The value of the Payment Key can only be an email registered in PagBank

Key typeRegular Expression (ECMAScript (JavaScript))Example
Email^[a-z0-9.!#$&'*+\/=?^_{}~-]+@[a-z0-9?(?:.a-z0-9?)]*$`[email protected]

For PIX:

The value of the Payment Key can be an email, a cell phone number, a CPF, a CNPJ or a random key using uuid format.


Key typeRegular Expression (ECMAScript (JavaScript))Example
Email^[a-z0-9.!#$&'*+\/=?^_{}~-]+@[a-z0-9?(?:.a-z0-9?)]*$`[email protected]


Country code required for Phone PIX keys

When providing a phone number as a key, it MUST be provided with the country IDD (International Direct Dialing) at the beginning of the number.
For Brazillian phone numbers, for example, the field should start with “+55”.