Raw Credit Card API
Welcome to PagSeguro Direct API with Raw Credit Card for PCI merchants reference guide.
This document contains the basic concepts and technical details to pay for transactions using our Direct API for countries that we have available. It also has practical examples of requests and pertinent notes on how our API works.
Concepts and Terms
List of key definitions and standards that developers may need to successfully integrate.
Term | Concept |
API | Application Programming Interface (API) is a way to allow third parties to use your application's resources. |
REST | Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for API services. |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, which is the main protocol used to send data between a web browser and a website. HTTPS is encrypted to increase data transfer security. |
cURL | cURL is a computer software tool for transferring data using various network protocols. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight data-interchange format. |
TLD | Top-Level Domain is the last segment of your domain name, that element located after the last dot. Since it is at the end of the address, it is also known as the domain suffix. |
Sandbox | Safe dummy domain beyond production, suitable for a smooth integration experience. |
Merchant | Person or organization that provides work or supplies goods for a particular niche. |
Store | Store or commercial establishment used in the integration. |
Customer | Person or Company that makes the payment, for work performed or goods received. |
Direct API uses REST architecture, and the protocol used is HTTPS.
PagSeguro's API uses the Basic Authentication The API's requests and responses bodies are in JSON.
The merchant who wants to transact with PagSeguro must contact our sales team through the website: international.pagseguro.com/talk-to-us.
To carry out the authentication process, the Merchant needs the credentials (Merchant ID and Password) made available in its registration with PagSeguro, through the page: myaccount.international.pagseguro.com.
Test environment available to assist in the integration development and simulate transaction requests and status changes available on the platform. Attention: the environment only simulates the creation of a transaction.
All transactions generated in the sandbox environment can be manipulated manually by developers to simulate the possible situations that PagSeguro returns through the site: billing-partner.boacompra.com.
In the Sandbox Environment section we explain how to use the sandbox environment.
Base URL for Sandbox
The environment is used to create transactions in real-time. All transactions generated in this environment will be processed by PagSeguro.
Base URL for Production
All requests made to the PagSeguro APIs must be authenticated. PagSeguro Direct’s API uses the Basic Authentication approach. That means the Merchant must send the HTTP requests with the Authorization header.
The Authorization header must contain the word Basic followed by a space and a base64-encoded string with merchant_id:secret_key.
For example:
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDozN2IzNmUxNy1lZGIyLTRkNjAtOWFmZC05MTA2MmJlYmY1ZTQ=
Because base64 is easily decoded, PagSeguro Direct’s API only accepts requests throughout HTTPS/SSL/TLS
Once the Merchant’s On-boarding is concluded, the Merchant’s Developers will have a credential pair (merchant_id and secret_key) to use in the requests. Anyone in possession of the credential pair will be able to create transactions with PagSeguro.
Be sure to keep both, merchant_id and secret_key, in a safe and private place. Do not share it in client-side applications or public repositories.
The code snippet below shows an Authorization header’s example:
$key = '1234';
$secret = '37b36e17-edb2-4d60-9afd-91062bebf5e4';
$encoded = base64_encode(sprintf('%s:%s', $key, $secret));
$header = sprintf('Authorization: Basic %s', $encoded);
echo $header;
// Authorization: Basic MTIzNDozN2IzNmUxNy1lZGIyLTRkNjAtOWFmZC05MTA2MmJlYmY1ZTQ=
String key = "1234";
String secret = "37b36e17-edb2-4d60-9afd-91062bebf5e4";
String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((key + ":" + secret).getBytes());
String header = "Authorization: Basic " + encoded;
//Authorization: Basic MTIzNDozN2IzNmUxNy1lZGIyLTRkNjAtOWFmZC05MTA2MmJlYmY1ZTQ=
require "base64"
key = '1234'
secret = '37b36e17-edb2-4d60-9afd-91062bebf5e4'
encoded = Base64.encode64(key + ':' + secret)
header = 'Authorization: Basic ' + encoded
puts header
// Authorization: Basic MTIzNDozN2IzNmUxNy1lZGIyLTRkNjAtOWFmZC05MTA2MmJlYmY1ZTQ=
import base64
key = "1234"
secret = "37b36e17-edb2-4d60-9afd-91062bebf5e4"
key_secret = key + ":" + secret
encoded = key_secret.encode("ascii")
header = "Authorization: Basic " + base64.b64encode(encoded).decode()
// Authorization: Basic MTIzNDozN2IzNmUxNy1lZGIyLTRkNjAtOWFmZC05MTA2MmJlYmY1ZTQ=
Direct API
Sequence Flow
- Customer → Merchant: Customer completes the purchase on the merchant's website
- Merchant → PagSeguro: Merchant Server validates the customer data and submits the transaction data to PagSeguro
- PagSeguro → Merchant: PagSeguro processes the request and returns transaction data to the Merchant Server
- Merchant → Customer: Merchant Server returns the transaction data to Customer
Direct API URL for Production
Method: POST
Direct API URL for Sandbox
Method: POST
To create a Direct API with the PagSeguro, the following objects will be used: integration
, order
, charge
and payer
- To perform authentication, use the default authentication method defined in Authentication Section
- Use the Content-Type header with the value "application/json".
The “integration” object contains integration data referring to the Merchant Store.
The available parameters are:
Parameter | Description | Type | Validation | Mandatory |
integration | The object that contains the integration data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
integration.reference | Transaction reference code in the merchant's store. | String | Min. 4, Max. 64 - Pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-_])+$ | Yes |
integration.notification_url | URL (must bind ports 80 or 443) used to send transaction status change notifications by HTTP. | String | A valid URL, Max. 200 | Yes |
integration.language | The language that will be used when communicating with buyers. For example, it is the language of emails. | String | See Language Validation | Yes |
Language Validation
List of translations available for PagSeguro:
Language | Locate |
en_US | English |
es_ES | Spanish |
pt_BR | Brazilian Portuguese |
pt_PT | Portugal Portuguese |
tr_TR | Turkish |
The “order” object contains the value and list of products that the Customer purchased from the Merchant store.
The available parameters are:
Parameter | Description | Type | Validation | Mandatory |
order | The object that contains the order data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
order.currency | Currency for charging the transaction (ISO 4217). | String | See Currency Validation | Yes |
order.items[] | Set of items related to billing. | Array | Min. 1, Max. 100 | Yes |
order.items[].quantity | Item quantity. | Integer | Min. 1 | Yes |
order.items[].description | Item description. | String | Max. 180 - See Item Description Validation | Yes |
order.items[].unit_price | Price per unit. | Float | Min. 0.01 - Zero to two decimal places accepted. See more Item Unit Price Validation | Yes |
Currency Validation
List of currencies available for PagSeguro:
ISO Code | Currency |
BRL | Brazilian Real (Brazil) |
CLP | Chilean Peso (Chile) |
COP | Colombian Peso (Colombia) |
MXN | Mexican Peso (Mexico) |
PEN | Nuevo Sol (Peru) |
Item Description Validation
Rules for validating the item description:
- Minimum 1 character;
- The maximum length of 180 characters;
- Accepted characters: A to Z, uppercase, lowercase letters, and/or numbers;
Item Unit Price Validation
Our API is designed to receive amounts starting from 0.01, but each country and each payment method has a minimum and maximum total amount accepted, so we recommend that the values are those indicated below:
Country | Payment Method | Minimum Total Amount | Maximum Total Amount | ISO Code Currency | Accepted Brands |
Brazil | All credit card brands | 1.00 | 40000.00 | BRL | American Express, Diners, MasterCard, Visa, Elo, Hipercard |
Chile | All credit card brands | 0.01 | 1000000.00 | CLP | American Express, Diners, MasterCard, Visa |
Colombia | All credit card brands | 0.01 | 38000000.00 | COP | American Express, Diners, MasterCard, Visa |
Mexico | All credit card brands | 0.01 | 74000.00 | MXN | American Express, Diners, MasterCard, Visa |
Peru | All credit card brands | 0.01 | 34000.00 | PEN | American Express, Diners, MasterCard, Visa |
The “charge” object contains the payment information to generate the transaction.
The available parameters are:
Parameter | Description | Type | Validation | Mandatory |
charge | The object that contains the payment data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
charge.country | Country of origin of the transaction. | String | See Country Validation | Yes |
charge.type | Represents the type of payment method. | String | CREDIT_CARD | Yes |
charge.credit_card | The object contains data specific to payment with credit card. | Object | - | Yes |
charge.credit_card.raw | The object contais data specific to raw credit card. | Object | - | Yes (PCI Merchants) |
charge.credit_card.raw.number | The card number is contained on the payer's credit card. | String | Only numbers. Min. 12, Max. 19 | Yes |
charge.credit_card.raw.cvc | The card security code is contained in the payer's credit card. | String | Only numbers. Min. 3, Max. 4 | Yes |
charge.credit_card.raw.expiration_month | Payer's credit card expiration month. | String | Accepted values: 01 , 02 , 03 , 04 , 05 , 06 , 07 , 08 , 09 , 10 , 11 , 12 | Yes |
charge.credit_card.raw.expiration_year | Payer's credit card expiration year. | String | 4 Digits | Yes |
charge.credit_card.holder_name | The cardholder's name on the payer's credit card | String | Min. 2, Max. 26 - See Cardholder's Name Validation | Yes |
Country Validation
List of countries and their respective currencies accepted by PagSeguro:
ISO | Country | Currency Accepted |
BR | Brazil | BRL |
CL | Chile | CLP |
CO | Colombia | COP |
MX | Mexico | MXN |
PE | Peru | PEN |
Cardholder's Name Validation
Rules for validating the cardholder’s name:
- Minimum length of 2 characters;
- The maximum length of 26 characters;
- Accepted characters: A to Z, uppercase and/or lowercase letters;
- Special characters accepted:
- Space characters are not accepted at the beginning and end of the string.
- Each word must be separated by ONE space;
The “payer” object contains information about the Customer who purchased the Merchant.
The available parameters are:
Parameter | Description | Type | Validation | Mandatory |
payer | The object that contains the payer data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
payer.email | Payer E-mail used in store. | String | Max. 60 - See E-mail Validation | Yes |
payer.ip | Payer IP used in store. | String | Accepts IPv4 or IPv6 | Yes |
payer.person | The object that contains the person's data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
payer.person.name | Person's name. | String | Min. 4, Max. 50 - See Name Validation | Yes |
payer.person.birth_date | Person's birth date. | String | Format (YYYY-mm-dd) | No |
payer.person.document | The object that contains the payer identification document data for the transaction. | Object | - See Document Validation | Yes |
payer.person.document.type | Document type. | String | Min. 2, Max. 4 | Yes |
payer.person.document.number | Document number. | String | Min. 7, Max. 18 | Yes |
payer.person.phone | The object that contains the phone data for the transaction. | Object | - | Yes |
payer.person.phone.country_code | Phone country code. | String | Min. 1, Max. 3 | Yes |
payer.person.phone.number | Phone number. | String | Min. 1, Max. 11 | Yes |
E-mail Validation
Rules for validating the email:
- The maximum length of 60 characters;
- Must include TLD (ex: test@localhost is not accepted, but test@localhost.com is accepted);
- Need to include @ between the name and the domain.
Name Validation
Rules for validating the payer’s name:
- The maximum length of 50 characters;
- Minimum two words;
- Each word must be separated by ONE space;
- The first word must have at least 2 characters;
- The middle and last name words must be between 1 and 40 characters;
- Middle and last words can have only one character;
- Accepted characters: A to Z, uppercase and/or lowercase letters;
- Special characters accepted:
- Space characters are not accepted at the beginning and end of the string.
Document Validation
Rules for validating the person’s document:
- Accepted characters: numbers or A to Z, uppercase letters;
- Special characters are not accepted;
- Punctuation must be disregarded;
List of documents and numbers format accepted for PagSeguro:
Country | Type | Document Name | Validation | Pattern | Examples |
Brazil | CPF | Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas | 11 Characters - Format: 999.999.999-99 | ^[0-9]{11}$ | 00011122233 , 01234567891 |
Chile | RUT | Registro Único Tributario | 8 - 9 Characters - Format: 9.999.999-9 or 99.999.999.K | ^[0-9]{1,2}([0-9]{3}){2}[0-9kK]$ | 220604497 , 12531902 , 2012346K , 12345678k |
Colômbia | CC | Cédula de Ciudadanía | 10 Characters | ^[0-9]{10}$ | 1234567890 , 1112223334 |
Colômbia | CE | Cédula de Extranjería | 7 Characters | ^[A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{6}$ | a000111 , Z778899 |
Colômbia | TI | Tarjeta de Identidad | 11 Characters | ^[0-9]{11}$ | 20503644968 , 01234567891 |
Colômbia | NIT | Número de Identificación Tributaria | 8 - 10 Characters - Format: 99.999.999 , 999.999.999 or 999.999.999-9 | ^[0-9]{8,10}$ | 11111111 , 123456789 , 2222222222 |
México | CURP | Clave Única de Registro de Población | 18 Characters | ^[A-Za-z]{4}[0-9]{6}[HMhm][A-Za-z]{5}[0-9]{2}$ | ABCD112233MGHIJL90 , dcba001122habcde12 |
México | RFC | Registro Federal de Contribuyentes | 12 - 13 Characters - Format: LLLLNNNNNNAAA | ^[A-ZÑ&a-zñ]{3,4}[0-9]{6}[A-Za-z0-9]{3}$ | GAAA750430HZ0 , AGB860519G31 , zbc123456pl2 |
Peru | DNI | Documento Nacional de Identidad | 9 Characters - Format: 99.999.999-K | ^[0-9]{8}[A-Za-z0-9]{1}$ | 123456789 , 12345678A , 87654321b |
Peru | CE | Cédula de Extranjería | 8 - 10 Characters | ^[A-Za-z]{2}[0-9]{6,10}$ | AZ000111 , az000111 , BB4445556 , bb4445556 , bc11122233 , BC11122233 |
Peru | RUC | Registro Único de Contribuyente | 11 Characters - Format: 99999999999 | ^[0-9]{11}$ | 20503644968 , 01234567891 |
To create a credit card transaction, make a POST request as the example:
Status 201 Created
"integration": {
"reference": "REF-XXX-1234567890",
"notification_url": "https://www.merchantwebsite.com/notify?type=transaction",
"language": "pt_BR"
"order": {
"currency": "BRL",
"items": [
"quantity": 1,
"description": "Product description",
"unit_price": 101.10
"charge": {
"country": "BR",
"type": "CREDIT_CARD",
"credit_card": {
"raw": {
"holder_name": "jonh doe"
"payer": {
"email": "payer@example.com",
"ip": "",
"person": {
"name": "Mr. Payer Full Name",
"birth_date": "1970-01-01",
"document": {
"type": "CPF",
"number": "98765432101"
"phone": {
"country_code": "55",
"number": "44900000000"
Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Transaction UUID code | String |
reference | Transaction reference code in the merchant's store. | String |
status | Status of the created transaction. (PENDING ) | String |
amount | The amount charged for the transaction. | Float |
currency | The currency used for billing. | String |
country | The country of origin informed in the transaction. | String |
created_at | Transaction creation date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) | UTC DateTime |
Example of a response
"code": "25a58ef1-3755-476b-b2f6-e445b170a849",
"reference": "REF-XXX-1234567890",
"status": "PENDING",
"amount": 101.1,
"currency": "BRL",
"country": "BR",
"created_at": "2021-04-12T12:43:13Z"
- PagSeguro → Merchant: PagSeguro notifies Merchant that a transaction status has changed
- Merchant → PagSeguro: With the transaction code received by the notification, the Merchant requests transaction information from PagSeguro
- PagSeguro → Merchant: PagSeguro responds back with transaction information
To verify the current transaction status, the Merchant needs to use Search API to query the transaction. If PagSeguro responds to the transaction with the status COMPLETE, the Merchant needs to deliver the purchase to the End User.
Notification Request
After changing the payment status, PagSeguro sends the notification to the Merchant through the URL provided in the integration.notification_url
POST https://www.merchantwebsite.com/notify?type=transaction HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"test_mode": false,
"notification_type": "transaction",
"transaction_code": "9DB1FAFB-C0E6-4184-822C-8F18B3D70321"
Firewall and allowlist settings
If you use a firewall or allowlists, please note that to receive our notifications, you MUST allowlist the following IPs:
Renotification details:
If PagSeguro does not receive a satisfactory response from the Merchant (200 OK) in the first request, the notification enters a retry flow over 5 days, and the intervals of retry increase exponentially over the days. If the Merchant cannot respond within this range of days with 200 OK status code, then the notification is expired.
Updated 5 months ago